Chromium Picolinate
What Are the Benefits?
Taking chromium picolinate may lower blood sugar and benefit the body’s response to insulin.
Chromium is a mineral found in low doses in many foods. It plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients through its impact on the hormone insulin. Chromium picolinate is the form often found in dietary supplements.
It May Improve Blood Sugar
For those with diabetes, chromium supplements may be effective at improving the body’s response to insulin or lowering blood sugar. One study found that 16 weeks of 200 μg/day of chromium was able to lower blood sugar and insulin while improving the body’s response to insulin.
It May Reduce Hunger and Cravings
Some reports indicate that 600 to 1,000 μg/day of chromium picolinate may help reduce hunger, cravings and binge eating in some people. In an 8-week study, 1,000 μg/day of chromium (in the form of chromium picolinate) reduced food intake, hunger and cravings in healthy overweight women.
The researchers reported that the effects of chromium on the brain may have produced these effects.
Food Sources
In general, meat, whole-grain products and some fruits and vegetables are considered good sources of chromium.
Some research has reported that broccoli is high in chromium, with approximately 11 μg per 1/2 cup, while oranges and apples may contain approximately 6 μg per serving.
Note: This does not constitute medical advice, always consult your GP if you are concerned about your health.

Swanson Chromium Picolinate - 200 mcg 200 Caps
€ 14.95 EUR